saya: "pah, artis apa yang kekeuh kalau melakukan sesuatu dengan tekad tinggi"
papa: "apaan ini? artis lokal atau luar?"
saya: "lokal"
papa: "...."
papa: "ga tau deh nyerah"
saya: "NIAt DiNIATIn"
papa: "ah gak nyambung sih"
2 jam kemudian
saya: "pah, tau daeng tata kan?"
saya: " yang iga bakar itu loh"
papa: "apaan sih? gak nyambung"
saya: "loh apaan yang gak nyambung?"
papa: "iya, daeng tata sama iga bakar"
saya: "yee, orang ini nama tempat makan konro"
papa: "terus.."
saya: "iya yang di daerah tebet"
saya: "cobain deh, katanya yang punya artis Hollywood loh"
papa: "Oya?"
saya: "iya, itu loh"
saya: "si.."
saya: "keanu RIBS"
papa: "AH"
terimakasih kepada tebakangaring
jengkel dengan dunia seni.
"gila, karya dia laku 50 juta ya"
kanvas ukuran 120x90 itu
akhirnya berada dalam genggaman seorang kolektor kaya
mencoba menjadi orang awam saya bertanya.
what makes it so special?
tentu saja proses dan ideologi yang ada di dalamnya, katanya.
maksudnya proses apa?
menjilat kurator?
membuka percakapan dan memperluas jaringan?
ideologi asal bapak senang?
selera pasar?
lalu apa hasil konkrit yang bisa saya berikan kepada masyarakat sebagai seniman?
saya merasa seperti seorang 'golput' kebanyakan
tahu apa yang tidak dimaui
tapi juga
tidak tahu apa yang dimaui
inilah buah yang dipetik akibat dipupuk Tugas Akhir dan disiram insomnia.
I've spent my two weekends with watching plays.
the first one is
Unter Eis,written by Falk Richter
directed by Wawan Sofwan from 'Mainteater'
one word to describe this piece is : dreary
well, it's quite heavy for first timer like me.
it was about a financial consultant that felt so isolated and alienated by his world,
wrapped with multimedia stuff (audio and video by kineruku).
one scene that i love was when the main character was in an airport lounge, and the plane was waiting for him to board. and he felt very contented that everyone was irritated by his 'nonexistence'
the work was so German-ish i felt like i was in a lecture.
but maybe i just wasn't in the mood for contemplating about the madness about industrial culture or the western's meta-system of economy. hehe..
but what can i say, mainteater successfuly gave me a vision :
from learning to watch, to >> watching to learn,
quite amazed by the power of the theatrical performance,
the next weekend, I decided to watch a free performance from
it was called
Petites Histoires.comthis one was : whimsical
when street hip-hop dance meets theater
it's like bringing an everyday object into the gallery
well, maybe it's too harsh to say that.
but yes, i consider it like the lowbrow art of theater.
it's yummy, delicious, and enjoyable.
there was some breathtaking moments due to their acrobatic movements.
how could i not enjoy it when there was 5 topless guys dancing on the stage.
haha kidding.
aside from the all the stunning choreography,
the story was about childhood memories,
althought it was in mixed-of-averylittleenglish-and-french,
but i still could feel a little bit carried away..hehe..
but trust me, everything connected with childhood, you could touch everyone's
personal side. (just like my final assigment. haha)
the images are courtesy of
Chuck's books are always fun to read,
the whimsical sentences, random nihilists facts,
they are just way too hilarious.
i'm still reading rant at the moment,
really curious about the latest one, pygmy
the one that tells about the boy who wants to attack to America
well here are some interes quotes from rant,
just a few, because im not done yet.
not everybody enjoys baseball or even fishing, but person is obsessed with himself. you are your own favorite hobby. you are an expert on you
oh oh another one..
the visual people will say "look," or "I see what you mean." they will say, "I can't picture that" or "see you later"
the audio people will say "listen" or "that's sounds good" or "talk to you soon"
the touch-based people will tell you "I can handle that"or "got it" or "catch you later"
porn vs sadistic images
ok, let's look at that image very carefully. first time i found it on a search engine, i knew straight away, it's one of Jenny Saville's piece. yes, it also reminds me of Holy Bible. second thought was "holy sh*t, what a brushstrokes". then i used it as a background wallpaper for my phone, and also a profile picture for my YM.
days gone by.. and one day, a friend sent me a link , BBC news, about how people in supermarkets decided to wrap the cd, with the inappropriate, sadistic, disturbing cover image as the consideration.
well,, it does look like a girl who just hit by a train. but somehow, i didn't realized it at the first time. that guy who sent me the news said that he thinks that it looks like child abuse, and had mixed feelings about that painting. well, in my most objective thoughts,
maybe it's the idea of bringing a piece of art
(in this case = painting, and not classified as public art) that should be hung in the gallery ;a legit institution to appreciate the work of art;
to the supermarkets and record stores that disturbs most of the folks.
anyway, i still see it as a piece of work. not a disturbing somekind-of-porn that should be wrapped up. what do you think?
existential question
akhirnya album
journal for plague lovers
yang dinanti keluar juga. kenapa dinanti?
1. kata seorang teman, lirik-lirik almarhum richey muncul. seperti prophecy mungkin, heheh
2. kata seorang tutor bahasa inggris, di supermarket2 di uk, album ini sudah seperti majalah bokep. dibungkus kresek, karena katanya lukisan jenny saville tidak pantas untuk diperlihatkan di muka umum. kita akan kembali kepada kontroversi ini nanti lagi.
3. melampiaskan kekecewaan send away the tigers mungkin. walaupun sebenarnya saya tetap suka menyenandungkan baby what you've done to your hair....
ok, ini adalah pertama kali saya menulis tentang sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan musik. jujur saja, pengetahuan saya tentang musik tidak cukup banyak untuk menulis sebuah artikel, tapi yah mumpung masih di blog yang saya yakini jarang dikunjungi,,
setelah berhasil mendownload satu album (ya saya berdosa, dan berjanji akan beli), diri ini langsung tertarik pada gumaman tidak jelas james di salah satu track yang berjudul
'jackie collins existential question time',
yang pada awalnya terdengar kurang lebih seperti ini
....dan setelah riset singkat ternyata“oh mummy what’s a sex pistol”
Tonight we beg
Tonight we beg the question
If a married man
A married man begs a Catholic
And his wife dies without knowing
Does it make him unfaithful people?
Oh mummy, what's a sex pistol?
(repeat 3x)
Tonight we beg
Tonight we beg the question
If a married man
A married begs a Catholic
Does it mean he has gone to choose??
Or does it mean you owe her nothing?
Oh mummy, what's a sex pistol?
(repeat 3x)
A situation with his sister who is outta control
It separates us with questions in our home
Seperti lagu-lagu Manic lainnya yang terkadang blunder karena keterbatasan wawasan saya, dan pada akhirnya memiliki makna tersendiri yang mengisi setiap kejadian yang pernah dilalui (saya), lagu ini mengingatkan akan pertanyaan yang kerap muncul ketika bercermin waktu masih kecil dulu. “kalau aku gak ada, ….” "Kalau aku gak dilahirkan, ....” "Masa si Lisa yang baik begitu ga akan masuk surga, ...."
Pertanyaan yang baru akhir-akhir ini saya sadari bahwa itu merupakan existential question, dan merupakan titik awal pembelajaran spiritual seseorang. (Atau kadang juga muncul dikala efek halusinogen yang berlebihan mengocok-ocok jiwa. halah).
Jackie collins sendiri adalah seorang aktris yang juga menulis novel. 'The world is full of married men' merupakan novel pertama yang termasuk dalam new york time bestseller sekaligus banyak mengundang kontroversi. Jadi bila melepaskan cerita-cerita personal saya yang subjektif, bisa dibilang lagu ini adalah versi keduanya 'little baby nothing'.
Atau kalau mau maksa ambil lagu dari 'holy bible' ya.. '4st 7lb'.
Ketiga lagu tersebut sama-sama membicarakan tentang isu-isu feminisme.
Ketika little baby nothing bercerita tentang inferioritas kaum pria akan kehadiran perempuan,
atau 4st 7lb yang penulisannya berupa jurnal harian menceritakan pergulatan seorang perempuan dengan eating disordernya,
maka dalam lagu ini giliran Jackie Collins mempertanyakan keeksistensiannya sebagai penlis wanita, mungkin.
ada beberapa pendapat yang menyatakan bahwa lagu ini sebenarnya mempertanyakan karya-karya Collins sendiri yang overrated (?), bukan keberadaan dirinya sebagai human being.